You can’t be serious ….
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do I have to be in all this social media to have a successful future
We don’t know….we just want to make business fully aware of where the modern consumer is heading. Here are tales of retail businesses - small, medium large and public.
All realised they need to use new techmarketing to reach new customers, to keep established customers, to react to changing buying behaviour and to broaden their reach from local, to national and even global.
Case study two
Kuzzunman Leather a family owned Australian business which sells leather goods and clothing related to the motor cycle sector and also for the work wear sector. The business has enjoyed tremendous growth in the past two years by developing online sales activity across Australia and has gone from 0% of sales online to 30% in just a few years!
The business is located on the outer edges of Perth which restricts its door sales but the owners are selling online Australia wide. They have changed the business from a local business to a national business with the use of new technology marketing!

Prices are below those of conventional department stores and the site is highly visual and easy to buy from. A massively successful site.
Case Study four - Myer Ltd -
Myer knows it needs to have an online offering, but doesn’t want to cannibalise its conventional department store sales by having its website discount the same goods. The solution?
In a way, it is a similar strategy to the Qantas -Jetstar double prong approach

Central Insurance Brokers of South Perth WA were quick to embrace the social media market using the span of mediums such as google Maps, google docs, buzz me, Linked in, twitter, blogs. Consequently their popularity is search engines achieves highest ranking. Try searching Insurance Broker Perth, South Perth or WA or West Australia you will find them fast. But that's not all, when you get there you'll see they identified customer values
a bold phone number - just call, but for those that need more they display a list of transarent options: Product knowledge, Direct contact details, Photos and more
The wisdom of their marketing think tank is extensive.
- They were fast and passionate about connecting with the customer in the virtual world but it does not end there.
- They offer free virtual gifts - Community service Information
- They invest substantially in wellness values
- Clients receive token gifts during regular dealings
- Staff are hosted to team building bootcamps local and overseas
- They focusing, like most on customer service values, but more they constantly re assess with intent to deliver value.
The company was founded in 1978 and it continues with their founding Director Phillip Smith and strong leadership from the Board of Directors Simon Wardman and Noel Carter.
Wait, there’s more! An exceptional group of Associate partners - Team Managers or Account Executives (another aspect of their success is equity participation).
It is inarguable they are the leading suburban based General Insurance Broker in Perth West Australia. Try them at
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